If you just believe


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Olivia is a Girl.

I just read Olivia's comment on my last post, and she has finally agreed that she is indeed a girl. This is good news, for anatomically, she is one as well. I enjoy being a girl. I think that is a musical theater song, but that kind of song makes me really hate musical theater. It's funny how I actually loathe so much of it, but adore some as well. Alas. Opera is better. (Unless you're Howard Keel, in which case you are perfect, and everything you sing is perfect.) Perhaps this revelation will inspire Olivia to finally read Twilight, one of the most perfect creations in existence. Twilight is pure perfection, and the movie is coming out on FRIDAY! So everyone (aka Mary and Olivia who will read this) should read the book so that they can see the movie! A girl from school who's from Czech Republic is reading them now, because we've all been talking about them so much that she needed to jump on the band wagon. She is quite obsessed as well already. It's adorable.

So in boring notes, I have not gone food shopping in a month and a half, and I don't feel like going now. I'll probably end up eating McDonald's for dinner. It is quite convenient, being located right across the street. Wow, I really need to work on this, because Mary's page was so interesting, and this is so incredibly lame. Geeze louise. . . maybe I should just make an entire entry on La Boheme and that would inspire me.

Well, since we're on a Twilight note, and I like adding photos, enjoy this lovely photo of the movie. :D


Mary C. said...

ok so question... why did Olivia not believe she was a girl? 2nd question... why did u not write about La Boheme? Write about what inspires you right? At least your entries come from somewhere. Mine are mindless.

x Mary

Ps. I'm highly entertained with your infatuation with McDonald's.. expand on that.

Olivia said...

Ewww that picture of twilight is not flattering. Sick.
However, I enjoy how your entry was mainly about me. I like when you talk about me. Only me.


Mary C. said...

Olivia.. just to let u know... Michelle enjoys talking about me in her blog too. Thanks. bye.

Olivia said...

Whoa. I don't like this hostility.

Mary C. said...

I kidd, I kidd. Ohhhlivia... u keep me entertained. Michelle's blog may be better because of our conversation. lol. I'm gonna need u to make a new post Michelle! puhhhlease.

Oh.. and ive not been online cause I have to reset the internet at home in order to have my computer get recognized on the network. So I mess up everyone elses connection in my house. I will tell u about the maddening text soon. Let just say it involved a certain person who I was angry at last week. Lammmmmme. I'm over it. :) Talk to u soon. xx