If you just believe


Monday, December 1, 2008

The Giving of Thanks

Ok, sooo. . . .I have not written in a while. . .and I do have some ideas to write about, but I just haven't been able to! I didn't have reliable internet over the break. Alas, break was NICE! I really shouldn't be doing this right now, as I have an audition in 2 hours, but since when do I do what I should?

Oh Olivia, you will be happy to know that I woke up this morning, but it did take me 20 extra minutes. Oh, and I am listening to the piece you put on your blog. It is beautiful. And quite a sad topic! Whew! You could completely sing that, though. It's amazing.

So this past week was THANKSGIVING! It was quite lovely! I took a different bus than usual, but it was the one that I took when I came up here at 3:30am. I was really excited, because I love traveling and road trips and adventures. Not like it's a huge adventure driving home on a bus, but still! It was even better, though, when the bus was an hour late and we stood outside in the cold the whole time. We did, however, get back into town when I had expected us to. Then on Wednesday I basically did nothing but hang out with my brothers while my mom was at work. We watched Get Smart the tv show for a long while. David really likes it. I feel like we must have gone out somewhere or done something of concequence, but I cannot recall. Clearly it wasn't of very large concequence. Then, sadly, David had to go to my dad's for Thanksgiving, so I missed him. He always has to go when I'm home!! Jake was working at Starbucks that morning, so we ventured over there and got online, where I watched True Blood. In the middle of Starbucks. Quite. (I'm really over that show for the moment.) Anyway, then we went to Mimi's Cafe for Thanksgiving dinner and to see Twilight. There will be another post about Twilight, because it deserves some attention.

Then, of course, on Friday the "friends from home" as they're always called, got together. Mary said we had to go somewhere fun exciting, so of course we ended up at. . . . .the mall. Don't ask how this happened, but we are not those of creative minds, obviously. Nobody bought anything, but we did try on some potential purchases. I think Christine already bought that furry vest. Indeed, it was an enjoyable afternoon at the mall. Again, I can't remember for the life of me what I did after this extravaganza, or on Saturday morning. . . . Oooh, ok, so I went to Walmart to get the Twilight cd, and to Toys R Us with my mom. Then we met up with Jake at (you guessed it) Starbucks, and he and I decided to be REALLY cool and go to to the movies. It was the plan, though, to buy tickets for one movie, but sneak into two, sooooo, we saw JamesBond, and then snuck into Twilight again. It ruled.

Ooooh, but on the way back. . . . .our usual 4 hour bus ride took 7 hours! It was insane. Luckily Lauren and I were on the bus together. We partied. It was fun.

So, I posted. . .it's not very interesting, but I did it! I'll work harder next time, but I'm in a hurry. hahaha, CIAO! :)


Olivia said...

Why did you go to Toys R Us? That's what I want to know.
I like your blog you idiot. Don't be a complete retard. I also miss you quite a lot.

Mary C. said...

i liked the part where u mentioned me. It was hott.

LOL. actually ilied the whole thing and I praaaactically jumped for joy that you had made a new post!!!!! :D

RedVelvetDiva said...

Michelle has a bogggggggg...wooppee!
You're already better at writing in it then I am in mine:(

Ps...this pic was taken in forever 21 right? There is a pic of me wearing that fur jacket behind you on facebook....I tried it on as a joke too! haha